Local Missions
Village Bible Church supports various organizations in the Hot Springs Area to help men, women and children in crisis. We also share the Gospel of Jesus Christ and help grow the Christian Faith in the youth of our community.
Pregnancy Center and Parenting Resource Center | Hot Springs, Arkansas
JoAnn Carter
Change Point: Helping Women and Families in Crisis
Whether helping a pregnant woman to give birth or teaching mothers and fathers how to care for their families, Change Point is there to help. The center has been helping families and single parents for over thirty years. Services offered: free pregnancy testing, ultrasounds, education of fetal development, referrals to health care agencies, parenting programs and classes, fatherhood programs and classes, supervision for parental court-ordered visitation, domestic violence classes, AND biblically-faith based classes to help a parent accomplish positive, loving parenting skills.
VBC actively supports Change Point’s mission to help stop abortion, and to give families and single parents hope by taking them out of crisis. In addition to financial support, VBC supports the Center providing supplies and equipment.
Our Women in God’s Service (WINGS) Ministry, a sewing ministry, makes and donates over 150 layettes annually. For many of the Moms, this is the only diaper bag, buntings, bibs, etc. that they have for their baby. A brand new 4-D ultrasound was given to the Center, paid for by VBC. Also, several VBC members volunteer their time and services at the Center.
Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) | Hot Springs, Arkansas
Micah May
Reaching Coaches, Teams & Athletes for Jesus Christ
FCA’s mission is to see the world transformed by leading every coach and athlete into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ. FCA recognizes that coaches are key role models to young athletes. Therefore, FCA seeks to minister first to coaches (their hearts, marriages, and families) then, to reach out and minister to fellow coaches, teams, and athletes. Summer camps and an annual Christian rally, “Fields of Faith,” are major activities that present the message of Jesus Christ.
VBC believes that we must be involved in engaging, equipping, and empowering young men and women for a relationship with Jesus Christ. To that end, over 100 scholarships are awarded annually to athletes in our local area to attend FCA’s camps and rallies. In addition to financial support, individual VBC members volunteer their time.
Garland County Jail Ministries, Inc. (GCJMI) | Hot Springs, Arkansas
Kevin Green
Changing lives one life at a time with the love, word and witness of Christ Jesus
GCJMI ministers to the Garland County Sheriff’s Department, deputies, detainees, and their families. Established in 1991, the ministry provides a Christ-centered ministry to the inmates and their families.
Kevin’s duties are varied — from personal counseling, teaching classes, acting as a liaison between the inmate and authorities and organizations, and training and supervising volunteers. He has a deep concern for loving the inmate. Kevin oversees and organizes the volunteers who also minister to the inmates by conducting Bible studies and providing worship services.
“I was in prison, and you visited me...” Matt. 25:37. All people, including the incarcerated, need to be told about Jesus Christ, and His redeeming love.
Witness Productions, Inc. | Hot Springs, Arkansas
Judy McEarl
Sharing the Gospel through music and theater
THE WITNESS is Arkansas’ musical passion play which tells the life and ministry of Jesus Christ. Music and song tell this powerful story as told by the Apostle Peter. Having been produced in Hot Springs since 1981, THE WITNESS provides spiritual and inspirational family entertainment. From a single church, it has now grown to a cast representing over 40 area churches and Christian groups. THE WITNESS travels around the state to carry the message of Jesus Christ to community theaters, prisons, schools, convention centers and other venues.
Through this theatrical presentation, hearts of many have been opened to the message of Jesus Christ. VBC actively supports THE WITNESS in their efforts to present the gospel in this manner.
Potter’s Clay Ministries | Hot Springs, Arkansas
Chris & Patience Brakebill
Helping Women & Children in Crisis
Potter’s Clay Ministries, Inc. was founded in 1984 as an outreach to women and children in crisis. No state or federal funding is accepted. Therefore, Potter’s Clay depends completely on support from churches, organizations, and individuals. Food, clothing, and shelter are provided to the homeless, addicted, and abused women. Also, classes in anger management, parenting, Christian growth, and counseling are offered, Most importantly, the gospel of Jesus Christ is presented as the answer to all of life’s problems.
The most effective witness is to show the love of Jesus to a person in need. Jesus said, “As you do to the least of these, you do to me.” Matt 25:40
VBC gladly supports the mission of Potter’s Clay.
Arkansas Racetrack Chaplaincy | Hot Springs, Arkansas
Rich and Robi Heffington
Ministering to the horse racing industry at Oaklawn in Hot Springs
Rich and Robi Heffington have been chaplains at Oaklawn since 2009. They serve the horsemen and Oaklawn employees year-round and hold weekly worship services and Bible studies year round. The six-month racing season brings a whole schedule of services, classes, and programs. The Horseman’s Christmas Party for 350, a ladies’ luncheon called “The Filly Feed” for 125, and an annual Benefit Bash for around 350 highlight the racing season. Daily morning devotionals, jockey-room devotionals, counseling, weddings, funerals, baptisms are all part of their duties. Programs run by the chaplaincy include “Best Turned-out Groom,” “Feed the Barn,” “50-a-Day,” and English as a second language classes. The chaplaincy also provides a clothes closet and food pantry. Their main mission is for those they serve to know the love of Christ!
Adult and Teen Challenge of Arkansas | Hot Springs, Arkansas
Stephan DeLorenzo
Educating men 18 and older with life-controlling problems with a Biblically sound program
Adult and Teen Challenge of Arkansas provides a Christian discipleship program with the goal of helping men who struggle with life-controlling issues such as addiction. It offers educational programs that are Biblically sound and highly structured. This organization provides the best care possible for the students, and is greatly involved in the local area by being focused on community service and participation. The staff leads by example and shares their faith through their actions by serving others.
VBC actively supports Adult and Teen Challenge, a completely voluntary, 15 month faith based program helping men to become men of God who are free of addictions.
Interested in missions?