Small Groups

A Small Group is a "place to belong" that provides an intentional and regular gathering of 8 to 20 people with multiple purposes and benefits. 

Small groups allow us to enhance our hands-on ministry of discipleship and caring to our church body. 

As our church grows, it becomes imperative that we provide avenues for fellowship, care, spiritual growth, service, and leadership development.

Some of the many values provided
by participating in a Small Group are:

  • A place to build relationships and support  one another.

  • A community of individuals who are cared for and sharing with one another.

  • An opportunity for greater accountability if desired.

  • An opportunity for exploration of the Word of God with an emphasis upon application to daily living.

  • A setting where spiritual gifts may be discovered and developed.

  • A time to share deeper prayer requests with trusting friends.

Current Small Groups

Mixed Groups

  • Leon and Lynda Barbee

  • Jim and Jari Capezza

  • Tom and Jane Weiss

  • Jim and Jo McKeand

  • Bruce and Joan Davis

  • Butch and Jackie Jones

  • Levan Hubbard

  • Steve and Susie Masters

  • Scott and Tracy Boeckley

  • Jason and Melissa Lancaster (Hot Springs)

  • Jim and Ruth Neal

  • Jim Friedheim

  • Bob and Patti Lynch

Mixed Groups Cont.

  • Elsen and Michelle Portugal (Open to any newcomers; meets at 11:45 every 2nd Sunday of the month at the church beginning with lunch)

  • Curt and Debbie Daigle

  • Bob and Meredith Ludema 

  • Gary and Kathy Young

Women’s Groups

  • Amy Thomason and Robin Lowing

  • Alice Hill

  • Jeanette Babka

Men’s Groups

  • Jim Neal

How do I join a Small Group?

Throughout the year, new small groups are being formed and you may join by marking your interest on the communication card in your bulletin, visit the Church Welcome Center, or click on the link below.

Most small groups meet on the first and third Sundays of each month in the evening, in a home. Some groups meet at other times during the week and may even meet on a monthly or weekly basis. There’s a group for everyone!

Small Groups Leaders

elsen and michelle portugal