Christian Education

“…Equipping the saints
for the work of ministry,
for building up the body of Christ….”

Mission Statement

At VBC, it is our desire to teach people about the Gospel, guide them to a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and to grow their faith so they can serve our God Almighty. 

We want to lead you to understand your spiritual gifts, equip you to grow in your faith and help you understand how you can serve God. We desire that you be able to read your Bible and call upon the Holy Spirit to help you understand what God is saying to you. We will encourage you to develop a personal prayer life, learn what the attributes of God are, understand creation, and equip you to serve God in our Church, in our Community, in our Country and in our World.

Studies at VBC

Regardless of where you are in your spiritual journey, we want to equip you with biblical education.  Life Courses equip you for discipleship in all areas of life by teaching biblical doctrine and principles for Christian Living. Life Courses typically run 4-10 weeks based on the curriculum. We offer courses in the Winter, Spring, Summer, and Fall.  Check out our course offerings below.

What to Expect?

  • Trained Leadership - Life Courses are led by trusted members of VBC who are well-studied in the course subject matter.

  • Biblical Instruction - As God’s inspired Word, the Bible is useful for teaching (2 Tim. 3:16). We believe a biblical worldview is essential for Christian living.

  • Open Discussion - Our course leaders will invite you to learn through discussion with other members. Come prepared to ask your questions and learn from one another.

  • Practical Application - Each week, you will be equipped with principles to apply to your life and become a stronger disciple in the course’s specific area of focus.

Current Sunday AM Studies

Children’s Class - Rm. 112
Leader: Beth Chandler

We know that it is important for our children to receive sound Biblical teaching.  We will help them know who Jesus Christ is and as God leads in their life, how have a personal relationship with Him. We will teach them about God, The Holy Spirit, Jesus Christ, Creation, Men and Women in the Bible, Salvation and the 2nd Coming.

New Horizons Bible Study - The Gathering Hall
Topic: Creation Evangelism with Ken Ham
Leader: Bob Warner

We invite you to come and learn about a bold new approach to evangelism by looking at the effects of evolutionary compromise, and learn about the foundational importance of Genesis.

Truth Seekers Bible Study - Rm. 109
Topic: God’s Biblical Timeline
Leader: Skip Harper

Kicking off the new year, the "Truth Seekers Class" will begin a new study; "God's Biblical Time Line".  It will begin Sunday January 5th and go for about four weeks. This is a foundational study showing how God is dealing with the human race during different times in history. This study is important in providing contexts for all other Bible studies. There will be time for discussion and questions during each class time.

Women’s Bible Study - Rm. 110
Topic: 2025…Here We Go Again
Leader: Kristy Schneider

Time is passing and we can't slow it down. So as we enter a new year, let's take a moment to review, refocus, and renew our spiritual life. No matter how 2024 unfolded, there is reason for hope in 2025!

Men’s Bible Study - Rm. 111
Topic: A Study of the Parables
Leader: Val Chandler

Continuing a study of the parables . . . the stories Jesus used to teach His followers are just as applicable today as the day they were first told. Join us for discussion of Jesus’ teachings and how to apply scripture in our daily walk.

Foundations Bible Study - Loft
Topic: Biblical Foundations for Life
Leader: Pastor Levan Hubbard

Continuing study on foundational topics like: developing a Biblical world perspective; can we trust the Bible and how to use it; God and some of His attributes; and Jesus, the importance of His life, death, and resurrection.

Weekly Bible Studies

Saturday Morning Men’s Ministry (8:30 am - 10:00 am) - The Gathering Hall
Topic: Various
Leader: Carl Flowers

Join the Men of VBC every Saturday morning in the Gathering Hall for a time of fellowship and Bible Study. Topics vary, usually on a monthly schedule, and are taught by various members of the Men's Group. Here is the weekly schedule:

8:15 am - Fellowship
8:30 am - Announcements, Good News & Prayer
8:50 am - Study Begins
10:00 am - Study Concludes

Lightning Bible Study - watch the lessons from this year by clicking on the link below.
Topic: Various
Leader: Various

BSF (Bible Study Fellowship)

Men’s BSF - Rm. 109
Time: Tuesdays at 6:30 pm
Leader: Tom DeBoer

Women’s BSF - The Gathering Hall
Time: Thursdays at 8:30 am
Leader: Helen Stivitts

Need an online option?

BSF now also has Online Groups that meet at various days and times during the week.  If you want to know more about BSF Online click on the following link or contact Helen Stivitts (Women) or Tom DeBoer (Men). 

Discover additional resources to
challenge you, encourage you, and
bring a little fun to your day!

Christians Education Leader

steve reed