Who We Are
Our Church exists:
To glorify God by making disciples
who become growing and serving followers of Jesus Christ.
Welcome to Village Bible Church
Thank you for your interest in our church. It is our sincere hope that you will visit one of our services and will worship with us. As every thumbprint is unique, and every snowflake is unique, so every church, including this one, is unique. I have often said that churches, like people, have personalities. This web site is one way to sense the "spiritual personality" of Village Bible Church. I hope it gives you a better feel for who we are.
Although Village Bible Church is a member of the Evangelical Free Church of America (EFCA), and subscribes to their Statement of Faith (SOF), the church government of VBC remains congregational in nature.
In other words, VBC has autonomy to pursue God’s unique calling for us in Hot Springs Village as determined by those chosen to represent the local body at large.
We carefully distinguish VBC as being Elder “led”, rather than Elder “ruled”. We believe that God desires unity in the local church and confirms His direction through the work of His Holy Spirit in the counsel and affirmation of His body.