Our Elders
The Elder Board is elected by the congregation to provide leadership, spiritual direction, and oversight of the various ministries of Village Bible Church. Faithful leadership involves promoting the spiritual welfare of the church, evaluating and establishing goals and priorities, and the ongoing development and approval of policy and procedure to ensure program effectiveness.
Tom Weiss
Tom Weiss and his wife Jane moved to the Village in 2012 from the United Kingdom. Tom retired in 2013 after 40 years of managing and leading diverse manufacturing companies around the world. Jane used her degree in Journalism to pursue a career in advertising sales early in their marriage but after several years she decided that her time and talents would be best spent focusing full-time on being a mother and wife. They are blessed to have one daughter, two grandchildren and a son-in-law who are all baptized believers. They have been fortunate to be a part of some very supportive and Bible believing and spirit lead churches like VBC over their 50 years of marriage and 15 moves around the world. Over that time Tom has served the church in several capacities including church elder, board member of a Christian grade school and high school, church finance committee member, usher, small group leader and discussion leader for Bible Study Fellowship. Tom also serves with the Gideons organization and is currently Vice-President of the local camp. Tom and Jane have been actively involved in serving in church baby nurseries as well for nearly 30 years.
Dane Thomson
Dane Thomson was born and raised in Dallas, Texas. He’s a graduate of the University of North Texas in Denton and that’s where he met his wife, Christy. They’ll celebrate 30 years of marriage in August 2023 and have 5 adult children living in Colorado and Arkansas. Dane has been a commercial real estate broker since becoming licensed in 1994 and has run his own small boutique firm since 2002. Dane and Christy purchased their dream home on Lake DeSoto in late 2020 and soon after found Village Bible Church. Both Dane and Christy have been involved in various youth ministries over the years including Young Life, AWANA, FCA and high school mentoring and continue to look for ways to minister to the HSV community. Christy was previously a pre-k teacher at First Baptist Academy in Dallas before coming to Hot Springs Village. As a certified personal trainer, she now focuses her attention on functional fitness for HSV’s aging community. They both enjoy golf, pickle ball and just being outside taking in God’s beautiful creation so evident in Hot Springs Village.
Curt Daigle
Curt Daigle was born in Baton Rouge Louisiana, Debbie was born in Bellflower California. They met on a blind date in California. They were married shortly after Curt completed his U S Navy service in San Diego. They moved to Baton Rouge where Curt began work in construction and plant maintenance. They have been Happily Married for 45 Years. They have a Daughter in Mississippi and a Son in Texas. They have 6 Grandchildren. They both have been on several Short Term Mission trips through the years, He and Debbie have been involved in various Ministries, Children’s Sunday School Teachers, AWANA, Cub Scouts, Perspectives. etc. They moved to Hot Springs Village in October 2020 from Picayune Mississippi. They were very happy to find a Bible church in the Village. Debbie joined A Healthy Move Class and really enjoyed it. She now is a Stephen Minister. Curt has a healthy mechanical aptitude and enjoys helping with the plumbing and appliances at the church. He also enjoys helping others with various mechanical problems. They are involved in a small group. Curt meets at the Men’s Breakfast at Debra’s on Friday mornings and sings in the Choir. He also serves on the mission team and the Trustee board.
Bob Lynch
Being born and raised in a rural region of northern Minnesota I was always drawn to the natural beauty and what it offered for outdoor activities. So, when offered a good job there and training for a new plant I gladly jumped at the opportunity and worked 36 years as a control room operator for a plant which extracted iron from the ground, processed it, and then shipped it to steel plants along the shores of the Great Lakes.
I’ve always believed God gave me this opportunity both for a career and in meeting my wife Patti at this time. We lived on a beautiful small lake nearby, raised three children, then retired in 2012. I came to Christ for salvation in 1980 and served as an elder, youth leader, Sunday School teacher, at a church there from 1981 until our move to Grand Rapids, Mn.. We then joined a church there in 2012 and I served as an elder, men’s ministry leader, small group leader and teacher intermittently, until we left for HSV in July of 22.
After spending a few months here and enjoying the ministry and people we joined VBC. When the need arose for more small groups and hosts, we offered to host one and have been blessed getting to know the people of our group and the work God is doing in us. We look forward to getting to know God more and in serving Him with his help however he directs us.
Wes Ooms
Wes Ooms and his wife, Norma of 48 years, moved from Central Illinois to the Village in the spring of 2021. Wes had just retired as Lead Pastor of Community Bible Fellowship, a church he planted 31 years earlier. Norma earned her PhD (“Putting hubby through Dallas”) teaching high school biology as well as taking reservations for Hilton Hotels. After seminary, Wes was a youth pastor in both Texas and Illinois for over 20 years, while Norma was a full-time mom to three children. The kids now have kids of their own, as each one married a believer in Jesus and have blessed Norma and Wes with six grandchildren in the years since.
Wes’ passion is teaching, and aside from a pulpit and youth ministry, he has been privileged to have taught ‘Perspectives on the World Christian Movement’ classes for 20 years throughout the Midwest. He and Norma have been active in international mission ministries, assisting and encouraging missionaries on four continents over the years, as well as specifically training pastors and Christian workers in Russia, Germany, Kenya, and North Africa.
Brett Pittman
Brett and his wife of over 30 years moved to Hot Springs Village from Highland Village, Texas in 2020. They have a daughter, son-in-law, and three wonderful grandsons. Brett and Debbie have been proud members of Village Bible Church since March of 2021. During their time here at VBC they have enjoyed serving as greeters and ushers.
Brett was fortunate to grow up in a Christian home and worshiped at Northway Baptist Church in Dallas, Texas. It was there where he was baptized after accepting Jesus as his Lord and Savior at the age of 11. Brett holds a Bachelor’s degree in Finance from Dallas Baptist University. In 2020 Brett retired after 35 years in the Credit and Capital Markets.