The Deacon Ministry Team, in conjunction with the Pastors, the Elder Board, the Director of Care Ministries, the Deaconess Ministry Team and other Ministry Teams, will oversee the spiritual, physical, and emotional needs of the church family.
Some of the ways our Deacons serve our church family:
Care Ministry attend to those hospitalized, sick, shut-in, and needy under the direction of the Director of Care Ministries.
Compassion Ministry coordinate and arrange transportation to hospitals and doctors for those unable to provide their own means. Contact individuals and families who have recently attended a worship service.
Regular Attendance Ministry maintains contact with members and visitors who have not attended a church worship service for some time. Report the results of these contacts to the Director of Care Ministries.
Communion & Prayer Ministry schedules and train elders, deacons, and others who are to serve communion, pray for the elements, and serve in the prayer room.
Congregation Support Ministry coordinates and provides help for congregation members who need assistance with small projects at home they can no longer perform due to failing health, safety, or experience.
Mercy Ministry manages the church mercy ministry and benevolence fund in coordination with the Treasurer, the Elder Board, and the Deacon Ministry Team Leader. Manage the holiday food card programs at Easter, Thanksgiving, and Christmas by purchasing and distributing to area families.
Usher Ministry recruits and trains men to serve as ushers at scheduled church services and special functions. Schedule periodic training as needed to qualify ushers to perform CPR/defibrillator should an emergency arise during a service.
We send cards of encouragement, sympathy, get well and thinking of you to the church family.
We provide meals for those in need.
Provide flowers for the memorial/funeral services.
Prepare the Communion elements for the Sunday morning service.
Organize and serve the funeral/memorial services for those attending.
A phone prayer chain and e-mail prayer chain are maintained to expedite information to the prayer warriors concerning prayer requests.
Coordinate Sunday greeters and welcome center ministry.
A welcome call is made to first-time visitors each week.
Our team is always looking for men and women to become a part of the Deacon team. If you would like more information about this ministry, or would like to become a part of the team, please contact the church office.