International Missions
Village Bible Church supports international missionaries all over the world. Working to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ, strengthen communities, providing support to international missionaries and helping to continue to translate the Bible into new languages. Come learn more about these missionaries. Stay tuned as many of these missionaries come and visit our church. Check the VBC Calender to the next missionary to visit.
Dave and Jennifer | EFCA ReachGlobal
Ministry to Least-Reached People
The Evangelical Free Church of America is an association and fellowship of autonomous, independent churches united around the same statement of faith. ReachGlobal is the very active, very strong missionary arm of EFCA. Through ministry and service, Reach Global empowers disciples to make disciples in their own native context.
Dave is a city team leader for Reach Global. Jennifer is an area director overseeing teams across Europe. Their ministry includes Romanians, and immigrants with diverse faith backgrounds. Dave and Jennifer are seeing Romania being transformed into a place where the Gospel of Jesus is reaching the least loved.
As an EFCA Church, Village Bible is proud to support ReachGlobal’s many missionaries. The diverse cultures around the world demand a multifaceted approach to missions.
Jeff & Tracey | Students International
Investing in Costa Rica Students
Not everyone is called to long term mission work. Students International is a global organization which sends students on short term out-reach trips to participate in real life ministry. The students work under the supervision of the full-time Student International missionary assigned to that specific location. By bringing Jesus to these people the students help the people to develop a sense of community which is an important factor in fighting the ever present poverty in these locations.
Jeff and Tracey serve full-time in the southern part of San Jose, in the area called, “the forgotten ones” due to the poverty. By loving and caring for these “forgotten ones”, Jeff and Tracey demonstrate that they are not forgotten by God. Workshops are conducted to teach trades, and camps are provided for the youth. They also are supervisors for other Student International missionaries in the area.
VBC understands the great need for missionaries, even if it is a short-term mission. Students International offers the structure for churches, youth groups, and individuals to have the wonderful experience of a mission trip. In fact, several VBC members have taken advantage of a Students International trip.
Mike and Loralee Hill | Reach Global
Teaching and mentoring in a Christian setting
Through a spectrum of ministry and service opportunities, ReachGlobal’s ambitious vision is to impact millions of people around the world with the gospel. Disciples are empowered to make new disciples for Christ in their own neighborhoods and communities.
Both Mike and Loralee work at Black Forest Academy, a Christian boarding school for children of missionaries serving throughout the world. Mike, a teacher at the Academy, works in the Performing Arts Department teaching Introduction to Music Theory, AP Music Theory, and Piano. Loralee is the Senior Class advisor. Both become “Mom” and “Dad” to the student body.
Reach Global is supported by the EFCA (Evangelical Free Church of America), with which VBC is affiliated. Many times missionaries do not view their mission assignments to be the best and safest place for their children. Through Mike and Lorilee’s efforts, and the entire staff of Black Forest Academy, these children receive an outstanding educational opportunity while enjoying a safe, stable, Christian “home” environment.
Dale and Ann Little | Evangelical Free Church of Canada Mission (EFCCM)
Modeling and Encouraging both Church Planting and Theological Education in Japan
The Evangelical Free Church of Canada is a sister to the Evangelical Free Church, USA, and VBC is affiliated with this denomination. The Canadian Church operates as an international arm, EFCCM, that provides care and administrative help to over 85 missionaries in over 16 countries. Dale and Ann are part of that team.
Their primary job is church planting. They established the Tokyo Multicultural Church (TMC) in 2013. Since that time, two other churches have been planted in Japan. In addition, they serve as part-time Asia Regional Ministry Facilitators for the EFCCM. Dale speaks Japanese and lectures at the Japan Bible Seminary in Tokyo. In Japanese, he lectures on systematic theology. Ann spearheads an active outreach ministry for the TMC ladies and children.
Dale and Ann have served as missionaries in Japan since 1984. Christian ministry is difficult in this part of the world. The Little’s are impacting lives which will have eternal results.
Ruben and Graciela Matos | Word of Life International Ministries
Directing and overseeing the ministry and operations of Word of Life in Peru
Word of Life International Ministries (WOL) makes a sustainable impact on the nations it touches by equipping foreign ministry leaders through Bible Institute training and empowering missions-minded individuals for ministry. With a presence in over 70+ countries, WOL conducts short term mission trips to support long-term missions.
Ruben and Graciela, born in Argentina, came to the Lord themselves through the work of WOL, and became team members in 1982. They have served in Chile, Mexico, and now Peru. Ruben is now the National Director of Word of Life in Peru, working with over 50 established churches. He is responsible for all aspects of WOL’s activities in that country, including leading and ministering to all staff in the country, and supervising all WOL’s many areas of ministry. Graciela is a loving, supporting Christian wife. She is involved in many of the different ministries.
Working with local ministers and implementing various Bible-based activities, Ruben and Graciela’s work impacts the people of Peru with the gospel. VBC has a strong commitment to sharing the gospel throughout the world.
Lisa Meyers | Greater Europe Mission (GEM)
Serving God in Austria through Music
Since 1949 God has used GEM to transform the lives of thousands by training Europeans to reach Europe with the Gospel. GEM is working to ignite discipleship movements by reproducing disciples of Jesus who make other disciples. Today, GEM also works in Southeast Asia.
Lisa is a discipler in the Austrian church. She uses her music - singing, guitar playing, writing original music — to introduce people to the love of Jesus Christ. She works with many teams: worship teams, music teams, and women’s committees. As an encourager, she “fans into flame” the gifts of other believers. The Austrians are incredibly gifted people. They just need encouragement and someone to “walk with them,” introducing them to Jesus.
While being religious, only 2% of Europe’s people have a personal relationship with Jesus. Compounded by the recent immigration of thousands, GEM’s mission is to be the “hands and feet” of Jesus in Europe.
Village Bible Church support many others who serve
to make the gospel of Jesus Christ known around the world!
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